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Women Holding Hands

"80% of women who have suffered domestic violence or sexual abuse and attend our sessions have said the empowerment groups have added positively to their lives and given them hope."

BeLifted runs a mother and kids empowerment group in partnership with Rhyl School in Camden, Saracen’s high School and Meadway Pupil Referral unit in Barnet. This runs weekly and it consists of 30 minutes of fitness and 30 minutes of encouragement and motivation. We also partner with local organisations who specialise in nutrition and help mothers understand how to buy and cook healthy food on a budget. Our designated debt service also aids women in this.


Our workshops are: 


User led: One of the mums in our mother and daughter group has run art and therapy sessions in the group. Panna, is a local artists in Barnet and her work of art, meditation, and music provides solace, and therapy to our cohort.
























Check out her work by clicking here


Partnerships: We partner with various organisations in our community such as LMK, Just As You Are, Bread N Butter and others. Another organisation we have partnered with is Living Healthy Matters 


 All our sessions are free of charge to the community, so if you would like to find out more and join the group, please get in contact here




  • Over 89% of our cohort said there confidence and self-esteem improved.


  • Over 55% of young girls said they enjoyed our fitness workshops.


  • Over 67% of mother and daughters said the groups were “life changing” and helped them gain the tools they needed to make a difference in their life.

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